Elliott County High School will now be offering the Residential Carpenter Assistant Pathway to high school students. Students must successfully complete four Carpentry courses that make up the Pathway and pass an exam to receive an Industry and State recognized Certification.

ECHS has also entered into an Articulation Agreement with the Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Regional Council of Carpenters Union (IKORCC) to create an opportunity for graduating students to enter their Apprenticeship Program.

When students successfully complete the courses and graduate high school with an overall 2.0 GPA, they will have a direct path into the IKORCC and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters (UBC). If students meet the previous listed criteria and receive an Industry Certification, they will be awarded one-year credit and enter as a second year Apprentice.

Upon being accepted into the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, students will enter into a four-year Apprenticeship Program. While working and receiving on the job training, apprentices will attend one week of instruction per yearly quarter.

After working and successfully completing the Apprenticeship Program, Apprentices will become Journeyman Trades Workers earning full scale pay. In addition to becoming a Journeyman Trades Worker, they will also receive an Associates Degree from Ivy Tech and not a penny of student loan debut.

We would like to thank the Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Regional Council of Carpenters and Especially Carpenters Local Union 472 for their willingness and cooperation to create this great opportunity for our students.