Work Ethic Essentials

ECHS principal, Mrs. Sandy Holbrook, and guidance counselor, Mrs. Anita Lewis, have been finalizing details for Elliott County’s district-wide work ethics recognitions.  Rather than focusing only on high school graduates’ needs for the soft skills that employers seek, Mrs. Holbrook and Mrs. Lewis looked at the importance of developing and recognizing these skills from primary school through high school.  Soft skills that are emphasized include, but are not limited to:  adaptability, knowledge, collaboration, remaining drug free, initiative, reliability, communication, leadership, time management, creative thinking, flexibility, and diligence.

Each student in grades kindergarten through grade 11 who meets the criteria specified for their grade level will receive a Work Ethic certificate at the end of the school year.  Graduating seniors who meet the criteria will receive a diploma with a special Work Ethic seal recognizing their achievements.  Criteria for achieving work ethic certification includes an attendance average of 96% or higher, no upper-level discipline referrals, participation in community service activities, and an above average grade point average.

Goals for this program include increasing the graduation rate; reducing achievement gaps; preparing students for school to work and/or post-secondary education transition; increasing student confidence; and giving students a competitive edge over other job applicants who do not have the certification.